Hey guys again!
Each day we get brighter and stronger, did you know that?
Anyway! Tomorrow morning at school we are doing a exhibit on Egypt.
My friends and I are doing it on Gods and Goddesses. COOL RIGHT?
Hey to all the people out there who are reading or read.
I would like to say i may not become popular on here but at least I know people read this :)
Here are some of my favourite quotes! Enjoy FSGHgffdhferrsjfyg-My cat can dance on the keyboard!-Anonymous If roses had a different name would they smell as sweet?-Shakespeare Bullies are like a blunt knife, they try to hurt you but their just not sharp enough-Me! Some people fall in love others just step in it-Anonymous I DON'T CARE HOW OLD I AM, I AM GOING ON THAT BOUNCY CASTLE!!-ME IMAGINE THE HUNGER GAMES AS A BIG GAME OF HIDE AND SEEK, IF THEY FIND YOU. YOUR DEAD! HUGS AND KISSES!-MARY
Hey bloggers!
My name is Mary.
Well this is an introduction of my blog. I will be posting all sorts of bits and bobs.
Like um.....Recipes, pictures, fashion tips, Advice....etc
I am personally really excited. I have no followers at the moment but i hope to have some soon!